Last week, I brought home a couple of the church video projectors to do some internal cleaning on them and I had the idea of projecting a movie while we relaxed in the pool.
I thought it would be a great way to beat the Fresno/Clovis heat and spend quality time with my lovely wife and two beautiful little girls. We had such a great time that it's almost becoming an every evening event at the Brown house. We've watched High School Musical 3, and parts 1, 2, and 3 of Karate Kid. Ally wanted to watch all of them! I am so proud of that little gal, although Abby thinks the movies are silly. She'll wisen up some day. We are anxiously awaiting the DVD release of the Hannah Montana movie. We all loved it and can't wait to see it at the "Dive-In."
So, if you have a pool and want to have some fun here's all you need to do. Grab a video projector, find a place to hang a large, white sheet to project onto, hook up a laptop or DVD player and some external speakers and you are good to go. Be careful with the splashing though! It can be a shocking experience if you are not very careful.
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